April President’s Message

I am happy to report that, in his first two months as our new Member Advocate, Kevin O’Keeffe has recruited 19 members (12 new and seven reactivated) to the Chamber, as compared to only seven for same time period in 2011 when the position was unfilled.   As the...

March President’s Message

Dear Members: Rather than contact me directly with their questions or concerns, a member or two shared Tuesday’s “Shop Members First” Member Message about a political fundraiser with non-members, including an elected official who expressed concern that the broadcast...

February President’s Message

  Dear Members:   If you didn’t attend the Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s 93rd Annual Awards Gala at the Diplomat West Banquet Halls on January 25, you not only missed out on a wonderful night of celebration for our business community—but you...

January President’s Message

Dear Members:   I am sending you my President’s Message a few days earlier than usual because I want to encourage you to celebrate the New Year’s weekend in Elmhurst with family and friends. Dine at your favorite restaurant.  Toast at the neighborhood...

December President’s Message

Dear Members:   You are receiving my monthly President’s Message a day early as there are a couple of coming events—Thursday’s Tree Lighting in Wilder Park and Saturday’s Chicago Blackhawks Roadshow Party among them—that you might want to attend.   Got It!...

November President’s Message

Dear Members:   As you read this, I am in Phoenix this week playing in the Men’s Senior Baseball League World Series, but my absence isn’t going to stop the Chamber from doing business as usual.   Elmhurst Community Directory More than 18,000 copies of the...