October 2012 President’s Message

October 2012 President’s Message

 Dear Members:   As you read this, the Thorne Building on Addison Avenue in downtown Elmhurst and the Elmhurst Ford building on North York Road are being demolished to make way for new and exciting developments…or should I say redevelopments.   The...

September President’s Message

Dear Members:   I am sending my President’s Message for September out a few days early, in hopes that it will not get lost in the hustle and bustle of your Labor Day weekend.   Chamber Week in Elmhurst Elmhurst Mayor Peter DiCianni has declared September...

August President’s Message

 Dear Members:   By the time you read this month’s President’s Message, it’s likely that Member Advocate Kevin O’Keeffe and I will be on our way to Louisville, Kentucky, for the American Chamber of Commerce Executive’s (ACCE) Annual Convention—a first for...

July President’s Message

 Dear Members:   Thanks in no small part to a huge generator hooked up by the Public Works Department, the City of Elmhurst was able to conduct its Joint Review Board (JRB) meeting for the proposed Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District along North York...

June President’s Message

  Dear Members:   The City of Elmhurst is continuing work on proposed Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts for North York Street, York and Vallette streets, and Riverside Drive area.   TIF District review is being handled by the Elmhurst City...

May President’s Message

  Dear Members: The Illinois Chamber of Commerce is encouraging small businesses to contact their state legislators to protest a 21% hike in the State of Illinois’ minimum wage to $10 per hour from $8.25 (third highest in the nation)—a proposal being debated by...