President’s Message for October

President’s Message for October

The Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s Board of Director late last month voted its endorsement of the $168.5 million referendum for Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 appearing on the November General Election ballot, as recommended by our Governmental Affairs Committee.

President’s Message for August

President’s Message for August

With only five months left in our Chamber’s 100th Anniversary year, now is the perfect time for you or your member business/organization to contribute to our $250,000 Centennial Celebration Capital Campaign—especially with Treasurer Ralph Pechanio offering to match up to $25,000 in gifts to his endowment fund at Elmhurst College.

Presidents Message for June 2018

Presidents Message for June 2018

While the City of Elmhurst’s roots date back to the 1830s, it was back in 1918 that a group of some 60 prominent businesspeople gathered in H.O. Stevens’ home to establish the Elmhurst Boosters’ Club that developed into our Elmhurst Chamber of Commerce & Industry of today.