“Laughing Proud” is a comedy show that features local comedians using their talents to raise money through laughter. On Saturday May 5, 2012, Elmhurst Professional Fire Fights Local #3541 will be hosting the “2nd Annual Laughing Proud Showcase” at Fitz’s Spare Keys in Elmhurst. The goal is to raise money through the purchase of show and raffle tickets to donate to local charities  Join in on the efforts by donating an item(s) that can be used as a raffle prize that evening. 

 If you are interested in donating or need further information, please contact (630) 688-9890 or w.solka@sbcglobal.net.  You can also find more information at www.laughingproud.webs.com or to purchase tickets for the show email us at laughingproud@hotmail.com